Guess these Games, Sports, Movies and TV Show locations.
<div style='margin-left:100px;'>For each adventure:<br>1) Name the game, movie, sport or show<br>2) Identify the location (this may be the same as the game/sport, in some cases)</div>
<div class="twocolumn">[[Adventure #1->1-Main]]
[[Adventure #2->2-Main]]
[[Adventure #3->3-Main]]
[[Adventure #4->4-Main]]
[[Adventure #5->5-Main]]
[[Adventure #6->6-Main]]
[[Adventure #7->7-Main]]
[[Adventure #8->8-Main]]
[[Adventure #9->9-Main]]
<!--[[Adventure #10->10-Main]] Prisoner-->
[[Adventure #11->11-Main]]
[[Adventure #12->12-Main]]
[[Adventure #13->13-Main]]
[[Adventure #14->14-Main]]
[[Adventure #15->15-Main]]
[[Adventure #16->16-Main]]
[[Adventure #17->17-Main]]
<!--[[Adventure #18->18-Main]] Katamari-->
[[Adventure #20->20-Main]]
[[Adventure #21->21-Main]]
[[Adventure #22->22-Main]]
[[Adventure #23->23-Main]]
<!--[[Adventure #24->24-Main]] AngryBirds-->
[[Adventure #25->25-Main]]
<!--[[Adventure #26->26-Main]] Beetlejuice
[[Adventure #27->27-Main]] PansLabyrinth
[[Adventure #28->28-Main]] Perfect blue
[[Adventure #29->29-Main]] AreYouBeingServed
[[Adventure #30->30-Main]] SuperMarioWorld
[[Adventure #31->31-Main]] SeaOfTheives
[[Adventure #32->32-Main]] HomestarRunner
[[Adventure #33->33-Main]] Myst
[[Adventure #34->34-Main]] MythbustersM5-->
[[Adventure #35->35-Main]]
[[Adventure #36->36-Main]]
<!--[[Adventure #37->37-Main]] Weakest Link
[[Adventure #38->38-Main]] Hopscotch-->
[[Adventure #39->39-Main]]
<!--[[Adventure #40->40-Main]] Candyland
[[Adventure #41->41-Main]] Taskmaster-->
[[Adventure #42->42-Main]]
[[Adventure #43->43-Main]]
[[Adventure #44->44-Main]]
[[Adventure #45->45-Main]]
[[Adventure #46->46-Main]]
[[Adventure #47->47-Main]]
[[Adventure #48->48-Main]]
<!--[[Adventure #49->49-Main]] TrivialPursuitLouis-->
[[Adventure #50->50-Main]]
[[Adventure #51->51-Main]]
[[Adventure #52->52-Main]]
<!--[[Adventure #53->53-Main]] AliceLouis
[[Adventure #54->54-Main]] CalicoLouis-->
[[Adventure #55->55-Main]]
<!--[[Adventure #56->56-Main]] Mousetrap-->
[[Adventure #57->57-Main]]
(masteraudio: 'stopall')
<!--[[Adventure #19->19-Main]] RedDwarf
[[Adventure #58->58-Main]] LainLouis
[[Adventure #59->59-Main]] MatrixLouis
[[Adventure #60->60-Main]] HitchhikersLouis-->
(set: $sec to 0)
(set: $cyclecount to 0)
(set: $a9_PresentOpen to 0)
(set: $a11_PulledLever to 0)
(set: $a11_MovedFromOutsideVehicle to 0)
(set:$A21_x to 5)
(set:$A21_y to 2)
(set: $notype to 1)
(set: $adnum to "of Selection")
(replace:?adnum)[of Selection]An open concept work area, with sectioned desk on the left. Light streams in from the windows. Desks and rooms numbered.
A [[short corner hallway->1-RightAngleHall]] leads forward, your (link: "office")[closed office door] is behind you.
You're in a right turning corner hallway, to your right are [[more offices->1-OpenOfficeDesks2]], behind you is the [[office area->1-OpenOfficeDesks1]] that you came from.
Another open office desk concept with sectioned desks. Most of the doors are closed, behind you is an [[corner hallway->1-RightAngleHall]] from which you just came, ahead is a [[short hallway->1-ShortHallway]].
Only 10 feet long, there is a closed office to your left and a [[slightly longer hallway->1-LongerHallway]] through the door in front off you. Behind you are the [[offices->1-OpenOfficeDesks2]] you just came from.
At the end off this hallway lies a [[room->1-LargeRoom]]. To your left lies the [[short hallway->1-ShortHallway]] you just came from.
Entering the room you hear the room shut behind you. In front of you are two open doors.
You hear a voice tell you that you take the door on the [[left->Back To Adventure List]].
Ahead of you lies a door on the [[left->Back To Adventure List]] and a door on the [[right->Back To Adventure List]].
You stand in an apartment.
The walls are painted red, the room is generically dressed. There is a fireplace that looks like it's never used, a couch with a furry white animal skin that looks like someone may have committed infidelity upon it, and some otherwise generic dressings.
A coffee table with a few liquor bottles, an open pizza box and [a glass]<cg| on it sits in front of the couch.
A [[hallway->2-Hallway]] leads off to a few more rooms of the apartment.
Just outside the apartment's entrance there is a [[stairwell going up->2-StairwellGoingUp]].
(click: ?cg)[(replace:?c5)[<hr>You take a sip of the concoction in the glass and recognize it by the distinct flavor of scotch and vodka. "It's good for you" you say to yourself. It tastes good.]]
(set: $adnum to "02")
(replace:?adnum)[02]There are two other rooms down the hallway. Both are shut. One door feels like it leads to the bedroom/love den of the occupants of the apartment. Directly next to it, another door, likely a bedroom for some inexplicable apartment dwelling orphan. Weird that they sit next to each other.
Behind you is the [[living room->2-Main]] you just came from.(text-style:"bold")[''Your Office'']
To your left is you chair, pushed back from your (link: "desk")[desk, desk 427].
Your computer sits on your desk, the cursor blinks >(text-style:"blink")[█]
Your door sits open, leading to the [[office area outside->1-OpenOfficeDesks1]].
(set: $adnum to "01")
(replace:?adnum)[01]You find yourself standing on the roof of a small apartment building. The roof has a waist high wall around it to prevent injury. A discarded football has been left out by some revelers, no doubt.
There is a [[stairway going down->2-Main]].
(if: (visited: "2-StairwellGoingUp") is false)[
(set: $sec to 0))
(set: $sec to it + 1)
(if: $sec > 5)[(replace:?c6)[<hr>(text-style:"fidget")[(text-colour:#d1a3ff)[Oh hi Mark.]]]]
](if:$notype is 0)[(change: ?Passage's chars, via (t8n-delay: (cond: pos < 22, 0, pos * 3)) + (t8n-skip: 20s) + (t8n: 'instant'))]<div id="header-left">Playing: Adventure [$adnum]<adnum|</div><div id="header-right">[[Back To Adventure List]]</div>
<hr><br>(set: $notype to 0)You wake up in a hotel room. There is an alarm clock here.
The alarm radio goes off, 6:00 A.M., as "I Got You Babe" by Sonny & Cher plays.
(set: $cyclecount to it + 1)
(if: $cyclecount > 5)[
(set: $cyclecount to 1)
(link:"You get up and begin your day") [{
(if: $cyclecount is 1)[
(elseif: $cyclecount is 2)[
(elseif: $cyclecount is 3)[
(elseif: $cyclecount is 4)[
(elseif: $cyclecount is 5)[
(set: $adnum to "03")
(replace:?adnum)[03](text-style:"bold")[''Mess Hall'']
You're in a mess hall. The walls are painted yellow. A long wooden table sits in this room, surrounded by a number of chairs. The room is warm and friendly, dressed out with a small kitchen. A bandolier sits on the table. There is a circular corner to the room as well with another smaller round table as well as a few chairs along the wall.
You can go into the [[foreward->4-ForePassage]] or [[aftward->4-AftPassage]] passages.
(track: 'A4-Ambient', 'loop')
(track: 'A4-Ambient', 'playwhenpossible')
(set: $adnum to "04")
(replace:?adnum)[04](set: $notype to 1)
(if:$A5_x is 0)[(set:$A5_x to 12)(set:$A5_y to 12)]
(set: $board to (a:
(a: 'x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x'),
(a: 'x','sfp','r','r','r','r','R','r','r','w','r','sgtj','x'),
(a: 'x','r','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','r','x'),
(a: 'x','r','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','r','x'),
(a: 'x','r','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','r','x'),
(a: 'x','r','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','r','x'),
(a: 'x','R','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','R','x'),
(a: 'x','r','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','r','x'),
(a: 'x','r','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','r','x'),
(a: 'x','e','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','r','x'),
(a: 'x','r','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','r','x'),
(a: 'x','sj','r','r','r','r','R','r','r','r','r','s','x'),
(a: 'x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x')))
(set:$x to $A5_x)
(set:$y to $A5_y)
(set:$here to $board's ($y)'s ($x))
(set:$top to $board's ($y-1)'s ($x))
(set:$down to $board's ($y+1)'s ($x))
(set:$left to $board's ($y)'s ($x-1))
(set:$right to $board's ($y)'s ($x+1))
<div id="north" class="directionality">(if:$top is not 'x')[[North]<north|]</div>
(if:$left is not 'x')[
<div id="west" class="directionality">[West]<west|</div>
(if:$right is not 'x')[
<div id="east" class="directionality">[East]<east|</div>
(if:$down is not 'x')[
<div id="south" class="directionality">[South]<south|</div>
<div id="middlebig" class="directionality">
You stand at (set:$v to $here)(display:"A5-PrintForVar").<br><br>(if:$top is not 'x')[To your north is a (set:$v to $top)(display:"A5-PrintForVarShort").<br>](if:$left is not 'x')[To your west is a (set:$v to $left)(display:"A5-PrintForVarShort").<br>](if:$right is not 'x')[To your east is a (set:$v to $right)(display:"A5-PrintForVarShort").<br>](if:$down is not 'x')[To your south is a (set:$v to $down)(display:"A5-PrintForVarShort").<br>]
(set:$A5_x to it - 1)
(if:$A5_x is 1)[(set:$A5_x to 2)]
(goto: "5-Main")
(set:$A5_y to it - 1)
(if:$A5_y is 1)[(set:$A5_y to 2)]
(goto: "5-Main")
(set:$A5_x to it + 1)
(if:$A5_x is 13)[(set:$A5_x to 12)]
(goto: "5-Main")
(set:$A5_y to it + 1)
(if:$A5_y is 13)[(set:$A5_y to 12)]
(goto: "5-Main")
(set: $adnum to "05")
(replace:?adnum)[05]You find yourself in a glass room within a room. A sleeping pod is next to you, as well as a toilet and a small side table with a radio playing a pleasant and happy melody.
A hole opens in the wall, through which you see a glass room within a room, and yourself inside it.
[[Step through the hole->6-R1]]
(set: $adnum to "06")
(replace:?adnum)[06]You find yourself in a public square, with many people. A band is playing.
You [[continue through and finish your day->3-Main]].You are in a diner. Before you is a large collection of desserts. A waiter drops a tray of glasses.
You [[continue through and finish your day->3-Main]]. You are in a gazebo at night. Snow falls gently.
You [[continue through and finish your day->3-Main]].You are present at an auction. Actually, people seem to be bidding on you.
You [[continue through and finish your day->3-Main]].You find yourself in a quarry. Your companion is enjoying the ride.
You [[continue through and finish your day->3-Main]].You're in a diverging passage.
You can go into the [[mess->4-Main]], down the stairs to the [[lounge->4-LowerLevel]] or back towards the [[engine room->4-EngineRoom]].You're in a long passage, doors/hatches lead to various quarters.
In foreward is the [[cockpit->4-Cockpit]], aftward is the [[mess->4-Main]].(text-style:"bold")[''Cockpit'']
There are a few seats in the cockpit. A Hawaiian shirt is draped over the back of one of them.
You can go back to the [[cooridor->4-ForePassage]] you entered through.(text-style:"bold")[''Lounge'']
Down here there are a few retro chairs and a couch, as well as some sensible carpets. This room is clearly for relaxation.
Inside of the room is the [[infirmary->4-Infirmary]], you can go forward to the [[cargo bay->4-CargoBay]] or back into the [[passanger hallways->4-PassangerQuarters]]. Up the stairs is the [[aft passage->4-AftPassage]].(text-style:"bold")[''Engine Room'']
A large pair of complicated machines, engines as you understand, pump away. They've clearly had the care of an expert and only a pro could tame them. A colorful hammock hangs in this room. You're under the impression that whoever takes care of these engines lives and breathes machines.
You can go back to the [[passage->4-AftPassage]] you came from.(text-style:"bold")[''Cargo Bay'']
A spacious cargo bay with a few walkways with ramps. Several large crates are scattered about with netting covering each of them. A rainbow swirled parasol sits atop one.
From the ceiling hangs a vehicle of some sort.
There is an airlock forward and the [[lounge->4-LowerLevel]] aftward.You're in the branching point where the lounge diverges down two short halls, off of which are the passanger quarters.
Return to [[the lounge->4-LowerLevel]].You're standing on a dirt path. Birds chirp, the sky is blue with pleasant clouds, a few small trees dot the manicured lawn and look eminently climbable. The path leads to a stone castle with red steepled roof.
[[Follow the path->7-Outfront]]
(set: $adnum to "07")
(replace:?adnum)[07]You awaken in a hallway. Ahead of you, there is a pill on the floor, behind you, there is another pill on the floor. You kinda wanna... you kinda wanna eat that pill.
[[Eat Pill Ahead/Behind->8-R2]]
(set: $adnum to "08")
(replace:?adnum)[08]You stand in a green valley. A small pond sits in the middle. Two small, round buildings, each with a single door with a circular window, and a pointed roof with a bow at the top. One building is a pinkish tan, the other is yellow. There is a ladder leading to a cave, as well as a lower cave entrance. There is a ladder against a cliff face with a present at the top.
[[Enter Pinkish Tan Building->9-PTB]]
[[Enter Yellow Building->9-YB]]
[[Climb Ladder to Enter Cave->9-LC]]
[[Enter Cave->9-C]]
(if:$a9_PresentOpen is 0)[
[Open Present]<presentclick|
(click: ?presentclick)[(set: $a9_PresentOpen to 1)(replace:?presentclick)[](replace:?presentdialog)[<hr>You take a sip of the concoction in the glass and recognize it by the distinct flavor of scotch and vodka. "It's good for you" you say to yourself. It tastes good.]]
(track: 'A9-Main', 'loop')
(track: 'A9-Goodmorningsir', 'loop', false)
(track: 'A9-Cave', 'loop')
(track: 'A9-Main', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'A9-Goodmorningsir', 'stop')
(track: 'A9-Cave', 'stop')
(set: $adnum to "09")
(replace:?adnum)[09]You're in a village, with mountains to one side and the ocean to the other.
[[Recreation Hall->10-RecreationHall]]
[[Green Dome->10-GreenDome]]
[[Town Hall->10-TownHall]]
[[Labour Exchange->10-LabourExchange]]
[[Citizens Advice Bureau->10-CitizensAdvice]]
[[Council Offices->10-CouncilOffices]]
[[Your Home->10-Number6]]
(set: $adnum to "10")
(replace:?adnum)[10]You sit in a small metal vehicle, likely used for transporting people. There is a hatch at the top. The lights inside the vehicle are red. There is a lever inside of the vehicle.
(if:$a11_PulledLever is 0)[
[Pull Lever]<pulllever|
[Exit Hatch]<eh|
(click: ?pulllever)[(set: $a11_PulledLever to 1)(replace:?pulllever)[](replace:?presentdialog)[<hr>A loud hum is heard as you hunker down in your seat. You hear the clink of metal on metal above you.]
(replace:?eh)[(link: "Exit Hatch")[(replace:?presentdialog)[<hr>As you look around you notice a sizeable metal cylinder atop what you've just emerged from. Stuck to it are numerous firearms, bits of jewelery, and a belt. You'd better get down. [[Get down.->11-R2]]]]]
(click: ?eh)[
(if:$a11_PulledLever is 0)[
(replace:?presentdialog)[<hr>Peaking your head out of the hatch, a few bullets zip by, making you duck to avoid being shot.]
(set: $adnum to "11")
(replace:?adnum)[11]You are in a transit vehicle. Various stops/exits are available.
* [[Stop A->12-H]]
* [[Stop B->12-TR]]
* [[Stop C->12-TF]]
* [[Stop D->12-E]]
* [[Stop E->12-MB]]
* [[Stop F->12-P]]
* [[Stop G->12-Md]]
(track: 'A12-Ambient', 'loop')
(track: 'A12-Ambient', 'playwhenpossible')
(set: $adnum to "12")
(replace:?adnum)[12]You look around and see wildly colored flowers, little round houses, and little people. You look down a see a brick road.
[[Head off down the brick road->13-SC]]
(set: $adnum to "13")
(replace:?adnum)[13]You arrive for your first day at work.
You're at a desk built into a wall, with an metal gate seperating you from those coming up to you from the other side.
You have a clock, speaker/mic, work area, set of stamps, panic button, transcript dictation machine and book of Rules & Regulations.
[[Open the gate and start your day->14-D1P1]]
(set: $adnum to "14")
(replace:?adnum)[14]You're not sure what happened, you think you fell and blacked out - but you find youself now standing in a hallway. You have no idea where you are. You hear an electrical buzz, everything looks the same.
(set: $adnum to "15")
(replace:?adnum)[15]You are in a rectangular enclosure with transparent walls. You are anxious to escape but there appears to be no way out.
The enclosure includes some furnishings including [greenery]<greenery|, a [diving bell]<db|, a [treasure chest]<chest|, and a [tall, roughly conical object.]<tall|.
You study the environment that encloses your prison through the [long wall]<longwall| and the [short wall.]<shortwall|
(track: 'A16-Bubbles', 'loop', false)
(click: ?greenery)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>There is a lot of greenery around but it all looks pretty fake.]]
(click: ?tall)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>A tall, roughly conical object with glowing red streaks down the sides and a jagged opening on top. You feel a strong urge to clear your throat as you contemplate it.]]
(click: ?longwall)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>A long wall where you can see a man in a white coat, and a girl with a disturbing smile.]]
(click: ?shortwall)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>A short wall where you can see a window with a view of the harbor.]]
(click: ?chest)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>[Bubbles rush out when you open the treasure chest.
(track: 'A16-Bubbles', 'playwhenpossible')]
(click: ?db)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>It looks nice and cozy in there.
(set: $adnum to "16")
(replace:?adnum)[16]A once beautiful entrance hall, squat in nature, with ellegant yet muddy carpet leads towards another hall, off our which you see the [[Atrium->17-A]], less interesting, but music draws you off to the left towards what looks to be a pleasant [[Parlour->17-P]].
(set: $adnum to "17")
(replace:?adnum)[17] A bit about the ball, on the table, starting to roll things
[[You roll onward->18-S2]]
(set: $adnum to "18")
(replace:?adnum)[18]Reddwarf - Waking up, bunk
Need to go to some second location, what do they do after they wake up?
(track: 'A19-Ambient', 'loop')
(track: 'A19-Ambient', 'playwhenpossible')
(set: $adnum to "19")
(replace:?adnum)[19]A two story foyer with the usual assortment of thing. A potted sad potted plant as well as the door to the front yard and a [[Stairway->20-UpstairsHallway]] to the second floor.
From here you can see the [[Living Room->20-LivingRoom]], [[Kitchen->20-Kitchen]] and [[Dining Room->20-DiningRoom]].
(set: $adnum to "20")
(replace:?adnum)[20](set: $notype to 1)
(if:$A21_x is 0)[
(set:$A21_x to 5)
(set:$A21_y to 2)
(set: $board to (a:
(a: 'x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x'),
(a: 'x','r','n','b','q','k','b','n','r','x'),
(a: 'x','p','p','p','p','p','p','p','p','x'),
(a: 'x','','','','','','','','','x'),
(a: 'x','','','','','','','','','x'),
(a: 'x','','','','','','','','','x'),
(a: 'x','','','','','','','','','x'),
(a: 'x','p','p','p','p','p','p','p','p','x'),
(a: 'x','r','n','b','q','k','b','n','r','x'),
(a: 'x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x'),
))(set:$x to $A21_x)(set:$y to $A21_y)(set:$tl to $board's ($y+1)'s ($x))(set:$tr to $board's ($y+1)'s ($x+1))(set:$bl to $board's ($y)'s ($x))(set:$br to $board's ($y)'s ($x+1))
(set:$v to $tl)<div id="northwest" class="directionality">(display:"PrintForVar")</div>
(set:$v to $tr)<div id="northeast" class="directionality">(display:"PrintForVar")</div>
(set:$v to $bl)<div id="southwest" class="directionality">(display:"PrintForVar")</div>
(set:$v to $br)<div id="southeast" class="directionality">(display:"PrintForVar")</div>
<div id="north" class="directionality">[North]<north|</div>
<div id="west" class="directionality">[West]<west|</div>
<div id="east" class="directionality">[East]<east|</div>
<div id="south" class="directionality">[South]<south|</div>
<div id="middle" class="directionality">You stand at the intersection of great divides.</div>
(if:$x is 1)[(replace:?west)[the world seems to fall away]]
(set:$A21_x to it - 1)
(if:$A21_x is 0)[(set:$A21_x to 1)]
(goto: "21-Main")
(if:$x is 9)[(replace:?east)[The world seems to fall away]]
(set:$A21_x to it + 1)
(if:$A21_x is 10)[(set:$A21_x to 9)]
(goto: "21-Main")
(if:$y is 9)[(replace:?north)[The world seems to fall away]]
(set:$A21_y to it + 1)
(if:$A21_y is 10)[(set:$A21_y to 9)]
(goto: "21-Main")
(if:$y is 1)[(replace:?south)[The world seems to fall away]]
(set:$A21_y to it -1)
(if:$A21_y is 0)[(set:$A21_y to 1)]
(goto: "21-Main")
(set: $adnum to "21")
(replace:?adnum)[21]Two grand cylinders have collapsed from the top of this behemoth. You'd bet there were another two somewhere as well. More of these wooden boards and what you've been told are "shuffle board." Sounds fun. Maybe now that it's down here you and your friends can play. That would be nice... gotta find some sticks and pucks.
[[First Class Dining->22FDining]]
[[First Class Cabin->22FCC]]
[[Grand Staircase->22S]]
(set: $adnum to "22")
(replace:?adnum)[22]You are in a large room, with a grey stone floor. In front of you is a large [wooden office desk]<wd|. Behind it is a filing cabinet. Beyond that, behind a waist-height wall, is an [even more official-looking desk]<mold|. In the center of the room, there is a [green glow]<greenglow|. Behind you is a [car]<car|.
There is a staircase, leading upstairs.
[[2nd Floor->23SecondFloor]]
(click: ?wd)[(replace:?out)[<hr>The desk features a touch-tone telephone, a computer with floppy drives and a small monitor. Also a potted plant.]]
(click: ?mold)[(replace:?out)[<hr>There are two chairs in front of this desk, presumably meant for subordinates. There are several books, strewn about the desk. Behind the desk are two large flags, and a large bookshelf.]]
(click: ?greenglow)[(replace:?out)[<hr>The green glow seems to combine the head and back end of a small gorilla, with even smaller arms.]]
(click: ?car)[(replace:?out)[<hr>The car is a small station wagon, with official-looking flashing lights. It also has some other odd equipment mounted on the roof. Possibly some of it is canisters of some sort of gas? Near the car are two metal poles.]]
(set: $adnum to "23")
(replace:?adnum)[23]You stand behind your crossbow, ammunition in hand, looking out over the field of battle.
[[You take aim, and let loose your bird.->24-2]]
(set: $adnum to "24")
(replace:?adnum)[24]You enter a room in which the room you had previously been in sits in the middle. The floor continues around to the otherside of the glass room you'd previously been in.
[[Return back through the hole you emerged from->6-Main]]
[[Walk around the glass room and through the door in the wall->6-R2]]You enter a room with a large round platform/button in the middle, a closed door on the other side and a tube in the ceiling.
A cube drops from the ceiling.
(link: "Pick up the cube")[You pick up the cube, its pleasant to hold and has a heart on it. (link: "Place the cube on the button")[As the cube settles onto the button you hear a sound and the door continuing onwards opens. [[Exit through the door->6-R3]]]]
Walking throught the door, you see an elevator with a glimmering field between you and the elevator.
[[Return to the room you entered from->6-R2]]
A well built stone bridge leads to an elegant arched entryway. The entryway leads into a beautiful castle with a grand red roof and a stained glass portrait of a woman in pink. The bridge goes over what should be a moat but sits empty for now.
[[Go back down the path->7-Main]]
[[Go In->7-F1]]You're in the colorful atrium of the castle. A round carpet covers the floor under you with the sun depicted in yellow, red, purple and blue. There are a few stairwells nearby, one leading up to a sliding double door with a large golden star on it. Several other doors lead elsewhere with stars upon them, each with a number right in the center. The floor is lack and white square tiling, like a chess board. A dude with a weird hat stands next to the front door... or is that his head?
[[Two of the doors go into a hallway->7-F1-hallway]]
[[Go back outsiode->7-Outfront]]You're in a hallway, with 2 entrances back to the main floor area, a staircase going downstairs to a locked door for the basement and a hallway going out to a back courtyard.
[[Go Into the castles main floor->7-F1]]
[[Go out to the back courtyard->7-F1-courtyard]]An elegant courtyard enclosed by the inner walls of the castle. The sun shines down upon this nicely pathed place, and a few cared for trees dot the area. A gazing pool sits quite still in the center of this courtyard. A star statue with a plaque that is difficult to make out stands in the center of the pool... "L is..." something... maybe? A spooky little model of a building in a birdcage sits in the grass nearby.
You can go [[back to the hallway->7-F1-hallway]] you enterd through.You stand in a hallway. Ahead of you, a pill on the floor. Behind you, where you've just been. That pill looks really enticing.
[[Eat Pill->8-R3]]You realize the walls are neon. Ahead of you there is another pill on the floor. You're not tempted to look behind you at this point.
[[Eat Pill->8-R4]]You stand stand facing a wall. There is a hallway to your right.
[[Look Right->8-R5]]
[[Run->8-R6]]You run as fast as you're able, and find more pills. You cannot stop. They drive you. You reach one that must be for a horse, it's massive. Down the gullet it goes...
[[Look Behind You->8-R7]]The ghost is still there, but seems to be leaving now... you begin to wonder what it tastes like.
[[Give Chase ->8-R8]]You reach the ghost, it's the most delicious thing you've tasted aside from ALL OF THESE PILLS... From here, you can see some incredible looking floor cherries, and to your left, another ghost.
[[Eat Floor Cherries->8-R9]]
[[Turn Left->8-R9V2]]The cherries are sweet, like mana to your lips. As you savor every stone fruit you realize, another of these ghosts has found you, and it does not look happy. [[You fade...->8-Main]]You turn left, your hunger for floor pills and ghosts unsated, but it seems the tables have turned. The ghost turns on you and approaches, hungry... [[as it touches you, you can feel yourself shrinking to nothing...->8-Main]](text-style:"bold")[''Infirmary'']
A sterile white infirmary with a red leather adjustable seat/surgery table. Counters line three of the four walls, and instruments and files occupy much of the space.
There is the door through which you entered leading back to [[the lounge->4-LowerLevel]].A9-Main: ./A9-Main.ogg
A9-Cave: ./A9-Cave.mpeg
A9-Goodmorningsir: ./A9-Good morningsir.ogg
A16-Bubbles: ./A16-Bubbles.mp3
A19-Ambient: ./A19-Ambient.ogg
A4-Ambient: ./A4-Ambient.ogg
A12-Ambient: ./A12-Ambient.oggThe building has one room. There is a small circular window on the wall. A ladder goes up the wall and at the top is a telephone. There is a pink table in the room and atop the table is a short armchair with a pink bow on top. Two sauces, each with a mug sit on the floor. A small pinkish creature with two legs, whiskers, a large nose, two eyes, eyebrows, and a single hair adorned with a pink ribbon stands by one of the saucers.
[(link: "Talk to Creature")[<span class='saturn'>Do you want slumber?
(click: ?y)[(replace:?ttc)[<span class='saturn'>Kay-O.</span><br><br> You sleep for a time...]
(set: $sleepcounter to 5)
(track: 'A9-Main', 'stop')
(track: 'A9-Goodmorningsir', 'playwhenpossible')]
(click: ?n)[(replace:?ttc)[<span class='saturn'>Kay-O.</span>]]
(set: $sleepcounter to -1)
(live: 1s)[
(if:$sleepcounter > 0)[
(set: $sleepcounter to it - 1)
(if: $sleepcounter is 0) [
(replace:?ttc)[You sleep for a time and wake up refreshed.]
(set: $sleepcounter to -1)
[[Exit the building->9-Main]]
Three strange, pinkish creatures stand here, each with two legs, whiskers, a large nose, two eyes, eyebrows, and a single hair adorned with a pink ribbon. Perhaps you better go back.
(track: 'A9-Main', 'stop')
(track: 'A9-Cave', 'playwhenpossible')
[[Exit the cave and climb down the ladder->9-Main]]There are three trash cans in here, but someone has already dug around in them.
(track: 'A9-Main', 'stop')
(track: 'A9-Cave', 'playwhenpossible')
[[Exit the cave->9-Main]]The room is circular and white with a pair of misaligned circular windows. A pair of plants, each in a small pile of soil sit in the room.
A small pinkish creature with two legs, whiskers, a large nose, two eyes, eyebrows, and a single hair adorned with a pink ribbon sits in a garbage can, with the lid leaning up against the side of the can. [Speak with the Creature]
[(link: "Speak with the Creature")[<span class='saturn'>I'm Dr. Saturn. Zoom! And I can repair your body. Boing! Do you want me to operate on you? Ding?
(click: ?y)[(replace:?ttc)[The creature makes deft work of any injuries you have.<br><span class='saturn'>You aaaaaaall fixed up. Goody! Boing!</span>]]
(click: ?n)[(replace:?ttc)[<span class='saturn'>Kay-O.</span>]]
[[Exit the building->9-Main]]
[[Continue to look around the village->10-Main]]
[[Continue to look around the village->10-Main]]
[[Continue to look around the village->10-Main]]
[[Continue to look around the village->10-Main]]
[[Continue to look around the village->10-Main]]
[[Continue to look around the village->10-Main]]
[[Continue to look around the village->10-Main]]
[[Continue to look around the village->10-Main]]
[[Continue to look around the village->10-Main]]
[[Continue to look around the village->10-Main]]
[[Continue to look around the village->10-Main]]
[[Continue to look around the village->10-Main]]You stand in a great and stylish room with a brilliant bronze statue errect in the middle, the human figure twisted and melting. The room is laid out for a banquit, or at least was, with a singular long table in the center. A staircase sits at the end of the room with some sort of mechanical eye above it.
(if: $a11_MovedFromOutsideVehicle is 0) [The room is a mess, and you can see now that the thing you'd stepped out of is some sort of... military vehicle. Non-lethal. ]
(link: "Investigate Eye")[A strange mechanical eye keeps watch over a door at the top of a staircase. Upon the staircase are a few piles of ash.]
[[Climb Staircase->11-R3]][Climb Staircase] As you slowly approach the staircase, you close your eyes, feeling that this might be your moment to shine. No one else is around to see as you climb, one step at a time... you reach the top and turn around to get a better view of the room. There's been a fight here.
(link: "Look Down")[Looking down you think that... maybe... you should put some shorts on, or something, if you want to keep fighting evil today.]
[[Go Back->11-R2]]
(set: $a11_MovedFromOutsideVehicle to 1)As you approach the open doorway off of the hall, you see what appears to be []<desc|
[[Return to the transit vehicle->12-Main]]
<!--(Other ideas to add: <a href=""></a>)-->
(set: $cyclecount to it + 1)
(if: $cyclecount > 7)[
(set: $cyclecount to 1)
(if: $cyclecount is 1)[
(replace:?desc)[a gritty, 1940's office - a large desk covered in papers. A coat stand stands behind the desk and through the smokey glass abreast the door you see the shadow of a fan spinning.]
(elseif: $cyclecount is 2)[
(replace:?desc)[a dimly lit bar with several tables and a stage. On the stage are a drum kit, upright bass, and a trombone. A sexy brunette in a red dress is seated at one of the tables.]
(elseif: $cyclecount is 3)[
(replace:?desc)[a dense forest. Various costumed characters appear to be Little John, Will Scarlet, Alan-a-Dale, and Much the Miller's Son.]
(elseif: $cyclecount is 4)[
(replace:?desc)[a cobblestone street in 19th-Century London complete with gas lamps and horse-drawn carriages.]
(elseif: $cyclecount is 5)[
(replace:?desc)[a pool where you can enjoy a relaxing mud bath while watching a juggler and some mostly naked dancers.]
(elseif: $cyclecount is 6)[
(replace:?desc)[three familiar characters dressed in elaborate plumed hats, talking in fake British accents and brandishing rapiers.]
(elseif: $cyclecount is 7)[
(replace:?desc)[ man having a conversation with Albert Einstein]
]A room with a podium and a raised, lighted dais. An Irishman stands at the podium. Three people step onto the dais and disappear.
[[Return to the transit vehicle->12-Main]]A bar full of people drinking and talking. A woman in a fantastical hat offers you a drink.
[[Return to the transit vehicle->12-Main]]A room where alarms are going off and people are rushing about. There is a bright, pulsating column at one end. A handsome, dark-skinned man politely shoves you out of the way.
[[Return to the transit vehicle->12-Main]]A bi-level room with a domed ceiling and a sweeping, curved railing dividing the two levels. On the lower level, three comfy but functional chairs sit in a row facing a large screen.
[[Return to the transit vehicle->12-Main]]A park with trees, flowers, paths, seating areas, and fountains. As you enjoy a leisurely stroll, you notice a Japanese woman pruning shrubbery.
[[Return to the transit vehicle->12-Main]]A room with a row of raised, padded platforms with monitors above them. A red-haired woman asks you how you are feeling.
[[Return to the transit vehicle->12-Main]]You look ahead and see corn fields with colorful cultivated fields beyond.
[[Continue on down the brick road->13-TM]]You look ahead and behind and see an old overgrown orchard with nasty apple trees. Nearby is a cabin with a smokey chimney.
[[Continue on down the brick road->13-L]]You look in front of you and see a deep, dark forest. You look down and see ???? in the lush underbrush.
[[Continue on down the brick road->13-OO]]You look ahead to a technicolor landscape, complete with poppies, green grasses, blue skies, and your final destination to which the brick road continues.A woman walks up to the gate and passes you her documents through a slot. She says she'll be here a couple of months.
[[Stamp her documents and let her in]]
[[Stamp her documents and send her away]]
As you let her in, a sense of unease passes through you. She thanks you and seems genuinely happy for being allowed in.As she walks away, she grumbles about the unfair rules and you wonder if you've done the right thing.As you step into what is clearly a dining room, a plate whizzes by your face, and another, and another, and another. The silverware is flying about propelled by several rambunctious guests. What you assume to be the owner of the abode is in a panic, and a nearby giant sits happily and does nothing to intervene. Off to one way is the [[Kitchen->17-K]], and another direction entirely lies an [[Atrium->17-A]].The [[Entrance Hall->17-Main]] behind you, this is the paroulour, with beautiful and ancestral dressings, appears to have been raided for chairs. You can tell you're near the real party through what looks like a [[Kitchen->17-K]] as a saucer and teacup hurdle past your ear. Thought the hall you see the [[Atrium->17-A]].Like the [[Parlour->17-P]], this room seems recently devoid of chairs as well. Tracks of mud and booze from the [[Dining Room->17-DR]] to the [[Pantry->17-Pa]] hint at a single minded task having recently taken place here. The [[Dining Room->17-DR]] behind you is abuzz with excitement, and a freshly raided [[Pantry->17-Pa]] stands bare across the room. Down the hallway is the [[Entrance Hall->17-Main]].What you can only assume was the pantry lies in shambles. Scraps of food and vegetables draped across empty shelves and where once sat seed cake now only a scattering of loose seed. [[Head back to the Atrium?->17-A]]Starting to roll, the urge to roll things up
[[You roll onward->18-S3]]
Getting bigger, getting into the next room
[[You roll onward->18-S4]]The pure joy of creation as eraser after thumbtack succumbs to the rolling
[[You roll onward->18-S5]]Escaping out into the yard, so much to roll upYou’re driving along a dirt road; there are several SUVs ahead of you. They are driving through a [stone arch]<arch|. To each side is [vegetation]<veg|.
[[Drive through the arch and continue inside->25Rotunda]]
(click: ?arch)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>The stone arch has two tall narrow triangular sides, each with a few burning torches. The sides are joined by an upward-curved arch with large writing.]]
(click: ?veg)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>The vegetation appears vaguely tropical. Behind it is a high metal fence.]]
(set: $adnum to "25")
(replace:?adnum)[25] The Netherworld Waiting Room
Single location set-piece
Small head man, shotgun
Sexy lady cut in half
Guy who died from seafood allergy
Green guy? Drowned?
Burnt guy, smoking a cig
Someone reading a book in like a hair net or something?
Someone reading a book with a beanie on
2 main characters
women at the window, which is closed most of the time
(set: $adnum to "26")
(replace:?adnum)[26]Pale Man's Dining Room - Pan's Labyrinth
Single location set-piece
(set: $adnum to "27")
(replace:?adnum)[27]Perfect blue Mima's Room
Single location set-piece*R_nSzTrywxvpFTZBNVZzcw.jpeg
(set: $adnum to "28")
(replace:?adnum)[28]Are you being served
Describe people at their usual locations, don't name
Main shop floor
(set: $adnum to "29")
Yoshi's House
(set: $adnum to "30")
(replace:?adnum)[30]Sea of Thieves - Sloop - Behind the wheel
(set: $adnum to "31")
(replace:?adnum)[31]Strong Badia
(set: $adnum to "32")
(replace:?adnum)[32]SpawnAtShip Myst
(set: $adnum to "33")
(replace:?adnum)[33]Mythbusters - M5
Offices, Upstairs
Blueprint Room
Main shop floor
(set: $adnum to "34")
(replace:?adnum)[34]A man stands, smiling behind a [podium]<p| between you and your opponent. Behind you at a [long desk]<ld|, your family. The man has made a pass at your spouse, your daughter, and you're pretty sure he's going for you next.
There's a [large board on the wall]<d| and you know that whatever you say is either up there, or you're going to get a disapproving look from the touchy man, or both. You know that there's no way this is going to be popular 50 years from now, but the audience is enjoying it.
(click: ?p)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>The podium is on long silver legs, and has two cylinders with white tops.]]
(click: ?d)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>The display largely consists of a rectangle, containing several words in large print, amid a yellow background pattern. Above the rectangle is a number, in even larger print. All of this is surrounded by a light blue oval, with wood trim.]]
(click: ?ld)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>The desks seem to be made mostly of wood, but with an unknown substance at the front. They are rectangular, but the top surface has several different heights. There are several people behind each desk; each person has a microphone.]]
(set: $adnum to "35")
(replace:?adnum)[35]You were about to spin that wheel, but some jerk guessed $1...
Spay and neuter your neighbors.
(set: $adnum to "36")
(replace:?adnum)[36]Weakest Link
Gameplay floor, describe people too
(set: $adnum to "37")
(replace:?adnum)[37]An ugly oval carpet sits off-center in the room. A couch that couldn't possibly be iconic is bookended by a potted plant and a coffee table. As you stand on the center of the carpet, an old television buzzes incessantly behind you. A doorway to the [[Kitchen->20-Kitchen]] is off to one side, the passager to the [[Foyer->20-Main]] off to another.A classic chess board tiling accentuates otherwise loud colors like the purple paint, blue countertops, and greenish curtains. Four chairs and a highchair encircle a round table near the middle of this otherwise standard American kitchen. An older fridge sits with pictures and notes adhered with magnets. "Mr. Plow" one of them reads. Out one door is a classic American [[Living Room->20-LivingRoom]], another is the [[Foyer->20-Main]] and a [[Hallway->20-Hallway]] branches off another direction. There's an entrance to a [[Dining Room->20-DiningRoom]] here as well.A nicely set, modest rectangular table with 7 seats and a high chair sits here. The room is otherwise non-descript, aside from the same pink wall color and off-blue carpeting throughout most of the home. There is an archway into a [[Foyer->20-Main]], as well as the entrance into the [[Kitchen->20-Kitchen]] here.Down from here is the [[Foyer->20-Main]]. You're in a long hall with a few closed bedrooms branching off. You can hear the dulcet sound of a saxophone in one of the closed bedrooms.A hallway branching off to a bathroom, [[Kitchen->20-Kitchen]], and a [[Garage->20-Garage]]. You feel like there might be a rumpus room somewhere, but can't pinpoint it.A standard one car garage with an older four door sedan. The sedan has some front-end damage. There's a [[Hallway->20-Hallway]] into the home from here.(if: $v is 'x')[
(print:"The world seems to fall away")
](elseif: $v is 'p')[
(print:"You see the shortest tower of the lot. Its simplicity in design exudes humility. Not overly tall, its charming spherical finial is like a beacon. This stalwart structure is profound in its nature. ")
](elseif: $v is 'q')[
(print:"You see a severe towering structure, smooth and cold to the touch. It rises boldly upward from its concentric base to an ominous capital oddly suggestive of a fanciful caprice, difficult to observe from below.")
](elseif: $v is 'k')[
(print:"You see a monumentally tall structure, majestic and dynamic soaring skyward. Its magnificent height commands respect, topped by a regal pinnacle. Its extreme height accentuated by its massive concentric base.")
](elseif: $v is 'n')[
(print:"You see a tall structure with a curious top, difficult to discern. It appears stern and hard, yet forgiving and compassionate. Its severe architecture alleviated by recesses for rest and reflection. For such a tall structure, it is oddly approachable. ")
](elseif: $v is 'b')[
(print:"You see yet another tall, graceful structure, not the tallest, but taller than the others. Refined and stylish, its delicate detail exuding a gentle quality, rising elegantly from its great concentric base.")
](elseif: $v is 'r')[
(print:"You see a well-fortified structure rising upward. Massive in its aspect, forbidding and solid. Its crenelated tower dizzyingly high above you – a roost for birds or a bastion of strength?")
(print:"You see an empty field")
]Chairs askew, algae and plant matter cling to what was once polished wood. You've never seen a tree in its natural environment, but you imagine them to be long, flat, and not delicious. The algae clinging to the metal railing, though, quite delicious.
[[Main Deck->22-Main]]Ornate tables and chairs carved from fine wood float about here. A tin ceiling painted white and a series of columns cut through here. Red carpet... at least you think it's red, it's difficult to tell at this depth... lines the room. Someone ate here once. Now you hope to eat here, as the shrimp have taken to picking apart what was left over by the previous tenants.
[[Main Deck->22-Main]]Intricuitly detailed wood paneling, beautiful European bed and bedding, only the finest accomodations; a wonderfully upholstered couch sits here as well. Had you the ability to splay yourself across it, you may request a squid to... ink you like one of his French fish.
[[Main Deck->22-Main]]Crates and boxes and luggage float about, much of it ruined now. You'd seen several of your friends flitting about somewhere around here...
[[Main Deck->22-Main]]A once beautiful staircase, complete with beautiful staircase complete with statue leads up, branching off to a walkway above. A brilliant glass dome above your head lets light trickle in. You wonder what this staircase was used for, as you note your complete lack of legs. It's wet.
[[Main Deck->22-Main]]At the bottom of the stairs is a small shelf unit, and a filing cabinet. On the wall nearby is a [large red box]<rb|. Beyond that is a small desk. Behind the desk is some electrical units, and a [tall wall-mounted machine]<wmm|.
[[Ground Floor->23-Main]]
(click: ?rb)[(replace:?out)[<hr>The red box has some lights, and a door. Above the box is a red light, and a green light.]]
(click: ?wmm)[(replace:?out)[<hr>The wall-mounted machine has two prominent green lights at the top, and appears to be a chart recorder, which is graphing two numbers, which are fluctuating.]]
After you climb the stairs, you turn to see that you are in a large room. There are some large shelves, which would not look out of place in a machine shop. There are a few narrow windows, but the space looks fairly utilitarian. At the far end of the room are a table and chairs, a [kitchen area]<ka|, and some [boxy objects]<bo|.
[[Ground Floor->23-Main]]
(click: ?ka)[(replace:?out)[<hr>It’s got high cabinets, even more low cabinets, a sink, and a refrigerator (with a freezer compartment). There’s a brass pole near the fridge, surrounded by a hole in the floor.]]
(click: ?bo)[(replace:?out)[<hr>On closer inspection, these turn out to be two video game consoles, and a pinball machine. Also, there’s a brass pole near them, surrounded by a hole in the floor.]]
[[You take aim, and let loose your bird.->24-3]]
[[You take aim, and let loose your bird.->24-4]]
[[You take aim, and let loose your bird.->24-5]]
You are in a large circular room. There is a tall skeleton mounted on a rock. There are signs that the room is “under construction” – some tarps and scaffolding. There is a stairway to a circular walkway which runs partway around the rooms’ edge. Along the first floor walls are large [pictures]<pics|, with elegant wooden doors.
[[Explore the Kitchen->25Kitchen]]
[[Explore the Cafe->25Cafe]]
[[Back to the Gate->25-Main]]
(click: ?pics)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>The pictures contain large animals, which seem to be running. They look similar in shape to the skeleton.]]
You are in a room with [tables and chairs]<t2|. The decor is elegant wood, and large windows with a few potted plants. There is a raised area to one side with [shelves]<s|. There is also a large [side table]<st|.
[[Back to the Rotunda->25Rotunda]]
(click: ?t2)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>The tables are a mix of shapes, but all have elegant white tablecloths and wooden chairs.]]
(click: ?s)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>The shelving units include a variety of small boxes with handles, and water bottles, all bearing pictures of the animals seen on the wall. There are also small 3D replicas of those animals on the shelves.]]
(click: ?st)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>The side table is dominated by what appears to be a tall replica of a mountain. The table also includes assorted fruit and baguettes.]]You are in a room with long [tables]<t|. Shelves line one wall, while another wall is lined with tall [cabinets]<c|. There are a few windows near the ceiling, along with a large circular fan. At the far wall are two doors with small circular windows.
[[Back to the Rotunda->25Rotunda]]
(click: ?t)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>The tables are mostly empty, except that one appears to have a rectangular cake tin. Mounted on the ends of the tables are a selection of forks, spoons, and spatulas.]]
(click: ?c)[
(replace:?out)[<hr>The cabinets are made of metal. Near them is a tall metal rack of shelves, of varying heights.]]
(set: $adnum to "38")
(replace:?adnum)[38]You enter through the front door seeking shade and shelter from the hot sun and the dry heat. Your worn boots drag in sand over the threshold as you step into the [[shadowed entrance->39G]].
(set: $adnum to "39")
(set: $adnum to "40")
Main Set
5 people on the left
big man in big throne on right
tall but less tall man on n normal throne
(set: $adnum to "41")
(replace:?adnum)[$adnum]You stand inside the main room of an open concept mansion, warming yourself in front of a blazing fireplace. On the floor behind you is a cozy bear pelt rug whose glassy eyes are facing a pool table. A [[cloud of smoke->42-2]] appears next to you.
(set: $adnum to "42")
(replace:?adnum)[42]It appears that a small army has been through this way and cooked nearly everything in this small hovel. No pot or pant left unturned. Spilled alcohol sloshes beneath your feet, and the wreckage of a feast lines the walls and floor as well. The dozen plus merry occupants sing joyous having consumed nearly everything in the house. Out one doorway there lies a [[Dining Room->17-DR]], and the other direction there's a recently ravaged [[Parlour->17-P]].[[29-Main]][[29-Main]][[29-Main]]
[[38-10]]You follow a well-used footpath through the snow leading to the temple that the [[hooded man->44B]] in the city told you to find. As you get closer, the arches of the structure tower over you and you [[dismount your horse->44R]].
(set: $adnum to "44")
(replace:?adnum)[$adnum]You stand in your 97th year; an accomplishment to be respected. You stair down the playing field towards some of your most decrepit friend, holding a cue-stick. The floor has been waxed for your convenience, and a few puck like playing pieces are scattered here... but you just can't remember what these triangles are for... the boat gently rocks, seagulls make a game of trying to abscond with your wig, and honestly that's the worst that's happening today. Could be worse, but what... is... this... thing on the floor...?
(set: $adnum to "43")
(replace:?adnum)[$adnum]In accordance with new hours of operation, your manager has scheduled you to work a [[night shift->45Pu]] to serve food to late night customers.
(set: $adnum to "45")
(replace:?adnum)[$adnum]The [[train->46G]] rides surprisingly smoothly, even though the tracks rest just below the surface of the [[blue water->46B]] reflecting the clear sky.
(set: $adnum to "46")
(replace:?adnum)[$adnum]It’s quiet, bright spotlights shine directly in your eyes. An old man asks you a question. You aren’t sure what the answer is so you call a friend.
They help you and then this strange old man asks you another question question.
The pressure is on.
(set: $adnum to "47")
(replace:?adnum)[$adnum]You’re one of 22 men. Somehow everyone of you is bent over while wearing tights. Thousands of people are screaming it seems that everyone is wearing the same colors - except the 11 men facing you.
Everyone starts running and someone crashes into you like a Mac truck.
You stand up, grateful to be alive and do it again
(set: $adnum to "48")
(set: $adnum to "49")
(replace:?adnum)[$adnum]Hard wood floors well painted and very fancy. You’re wearing shorts. Someone throws and air filled leather object at you. You catch it and start to bounce it.
Immediately a giant man is in your face and you know you must get around him and get to “the hole”.
(set: $adnum to "50")
(replace:?adnum)[$adnum]Deep snow banks pile up against the large windows outside. The large lobby has high ceilings with small tables spaced out evenly that display historical [[antiques->51Pi]]. One of the tables presents a miniature hedge [[maze->51G]] that guests may look upon.
(set: $adnum to "51")
(replace:?adnum)[$adnum]Frozen water under your feet. You hold a wooden stick.
Someone slams you into the wall. You stand up and face him but he slides around you.
You case after him and take the tiny black disk he is playing with… now there is only one man to beat.
(set: $adnum to "52")
(set: $adnum to "53")
(set: $adnum to "54")
(replace:?adnum)[$adnum]You notice that grass is everywhere. All different lengths but all well manicured.
It’s stunning.
You grab your tool and say “it’s time to let the big dog eat”. Everyone around you is silent.
You take your turn.
(set: $adnum to "55")
(set: $adnum to "56")
(replace:?adnum)[$adnum]You walkout into a field that smells of beer and hotdogs. You’re wearing the CLEANEST uniform you’ve ever seen.
Someone throws something at you so you smash it with a well crafted wooden stick.
Now your running, as you look up you notice an object flying toward the guy in front of you.
HE IS GOING TO CATCH IT and tag you with it.
You purposely slide in the dirt to safety.
(set: $adnum to "57")
(set: $adnum to "58")
(set: $adnum to "59")
(set: $adnum to "60")
(replace:?adnum)[$adnum](if: $v is 's')[(print:"square space")](elseif: $v is 'r')[(print:"rectangular space")](elseif: $v is 'e')[(print:"rectangular space with an electric company on it")](elseif: $v is 'w')[(print:"rectangular space with a water treatment plant on it")](elseif: $v is 'R')[(print:"rectangular space, with a railroad running through it")](if: $v is 'sj')[(print:"square space with a jail on it")](if: $v is 'sfp')[(print:"square space with a parking lot on it")](if: $v is 'sgtj')[(print:"square space. A policeman is coming for you - you had better move on.")](else:)[(print:"")](if: $v is 's')[(print:"square space")](elseif: $v is 'r')[(print:"rectangular space")](elseif: $v is 'e')[(print:"rectangular space with an electric company on it")](elseif: $v is 'w')[(print:"rectangular space with a water treatment plant on it")](elseif: $v is 'R')[(print:"rectangular space, with a railroad running through it")](if: $v is 'sj')[(print:"square space with a jail on it")](if: $v is 'sfp')[(print:"square space with a parking lot on it")](if: $v is 'sgtj')[(print:"square space")](else:)[(print:"")]The most beautiful person you’ve ever seen materializes from the smoke cloud. They step forward and totally make out with you before stripping naked and stepping into a jacuzzi in the living room. You also feel welcome to [[strip naked->42-Y]] and join them in the hot bubbles, all the while hearing a voice [[nagging->42-G]] the back of your mind.Y’all get real nasty and totally do the dirty deed. Afterwards, you both sit in your sinful filth and watch the fish swim in the fish tank that sits a few feet away from you under a window showcasing the night sky.
[[Back->42-2]]That nagging voice shakes you from your day dream and you wake up in your mom’s house. She asks you to [[fix the TV->42R]] so she can watch her soap operas. She requests that you [[cook dinner->42B]] when you finish your task with the TV. Then she asks when you’re thinking of getting a [[job->42P]].The mailperson comes by to drop your newspaper off on your front lawn. Your mom tells you to check the job listings in the newspaper.
[[Back->42-G]]When you try to cook dinner, the stove catches fire and a fireman barges through your front door to put out the fire. You get singed and your mood plummets.
[[Back->42-G]]When you try to fix the TV, you become electrocuted, resulting in an uncomfortable mood.
[[Back->42-G]]You peer through the haze and take in the bar’s patrons from all walks of life. The [[other customers->39B]] play tabletop games or smoke from corded pipes, but you’re only interested in a [[cold drink->39R]].You approach one straight edge of the curved bar and try to wave down the bartender for your order. However, some kind of [[commotion->39Pu]] arises further down the bar between four of the patrons.Some patrons sit comfortably in their booths and watch a band playing a mix of woodwind and brass instruments.
[[Back->39G]]Over the quieting murmur of conversations, you hear the hum of a [[weapon->39Pi]] and the thump of something hitting the floor. Now the bar falls completely silent.You sneak a peek over the shoulder of the horned life form next to you to see the edge of a severed arm on the bar’s sandy floor.Unfortunately, your [[presence->44Pi]] has been noted by some [[unwashed recreants->44Pu]], which you dispose of quickly when they step out from behind the pillars to rush you at the top of the temple’s steps.Your frightened horse charges forward and blocks you from landing a swift killing blow to your closest attacker, but you manage to be the last one standing. Perhaps it’s the heavy currents of the wind, but you think you hear the howling of a great beast in the distance.
[[Back->44R]]The man you had spoken to told you about a highly important artifact that was possibly hidden deep within this ruined structure. The large arched doorway to the inside seems to accentuate the importance of this expedition
[[Back->44-Main]]One of the recreants conveniently had valuable minerals on their person, so you unceremoniously remove these items from their cooling body.
[[Back->44R]]It’s Tuesday night and you and your coworker are bored, your imaginations running wild and your [[minds wandering->45G]] from lack of stimulation.The windows showcase the [[darkened night->45G]] and, while sitting at the pay-and-order counter [[reading your book->45B]], you look up to see the silhouette of the company [[dumpsters->45Y]] across the street.A squishing, suctioning sound distracts you from your book as you sit under a spotlight at the front counter, increasing your uncomfortable tension that began after [[3 AM->45R]].The night bus slowly approaches for an unscheduled stop in front of your establishment and a lone figure steps off. The figure has piercing red eyes, and they [[raise an arm towards you->Br]]. When they approach the doors, they menacingly tap something long and shiny against the glass.
In the empty main dining room, the lights suddenly begin [[flickering on and off->45Pi]].In the empty main dining room, the walls begin oozing green slime.
[[Back->45R]]At the front counter, the phone rings, [[but no one is there->45R]].Day turns to night, and you and your friend wait patiently in your train car as each water station comes and goes in the distance. The train car’s interior lights remain on and illuminated signposts whiz past outside.
[[Back->46-Main]]You sit on the red-cushioned seats and gaze past the shiny handrails and round handholds out the [[windows->46Pi]]. The train passes an isolated island with a lone tree and a white-faced [[cottage->46Y]].You sit next to your speechless, robed friend and see the train pass a figure standing at a railroad crossing that seemingly arose out of the middle of the water on the side of the tracks.
[[Back->46B]]As the train slows and stops at a station, another passenger stands to retrieve two bags from the overhead rack. The passenger [[disembarks->46Pu]], but you and your companion remain seated.The other few passengers sharing your train car appear transparent, and you can see the outline of the cushions through their legs. In fact, your quiet companion also appears nearly see-through.
[[Back->46-Main]]One of the hallways branching off from the lobby leads to a large 1920s-era [[ballroom->51B]].The carpet running along the upper floors exhibits a pattern of red and orange [[hexagons->51R]] interlinking with each other. One of the doors is slightly ajar, the [[key->51Y]] still resting inside the round handle’s lock.In the opposite direction, the same hallway leads to a large kitchen with storage space that could seemingly feed guests for a long time.
[[Back->51-Main]]A child’s tricycle solemnly sits at rest. Down the hall, a rhythmic thumping noise begins to echo, the sound bouncing off the high ceilings.
[[Back->51-Main]]On the first floor, an irregular clicky tapping sound echoes through the empty hallways, occasionally followed by the soft sound of papers shuffling together.